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Collectively our authors have sold more than 3 million audio recordings and worked one-on-one with thousands of clients. With more than 200 evidence-based audiobooks to choose from, we look forward to helping you achieve your goals!

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Belleruth Naparstek, ACSW, BCD

Author and Narrator

In addition to be an amazing human being, Belleruth is a licensed psychotherapist, clinical social worker, author and guided imagery pioneer. She was quoted in Prevention Magazine, ”has been quietly creating an underground revolution among major healthcare institutions – hospitals, pharmas, insurance carriers and HMO’s - by persuading them to distribute guided imagery to the people they serve.” Belleruth could be considered the Mother of the self-help audiobook industry and has personally written and narrated over 60 titles. Her work is widely used by prominent medical facilities including the Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, Kaiser Permanente, Blue Cross California, and the US military - to name a few. 

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Dr. Emmett Miller, MD

Author and Narrator

Often acknowledged as one of the fathers of mind/Body Medicine, Dr. Miller is a physician, poet, musician, and master storyteller, whose multicultural heritage has given him a unique social, medical, and spiritual perspective. Dr. Miller, a graduate of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, has been a lecturer and preceptor at Stanford University and The University of California, as well as other universities and medical schools. His work is widely used by such medical facilities as Kaiser Permanente, the Mayo Clinic, and by health professionals, business people, performers, and athletes, including members of the U.S. Olympic Track and Field Team. He has appeared in the San Francisco Examiner, Los Angeles Times, as well as American Health, Prevention, Essence, Women's Day, Woman's World, Yoga Journal, and Shape magazines. His columns have appeared in more than 30 newspapers and magazines. Dr. Miller maintains a private practice in the S.F. Bay Area and in Nevada City, California.

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Ron Eslinger, RN, CRNA,APN, MA, BCH, CMI, FNGH, OB

Author and Narrator

Ron Eslinger is a retired United States Navy Captain. His many assignments included Senior Nurse Executive and the Director for Patient Services, Naval Hospital Beaufort, SC, 2001 – 2003. From 1996 to 2001, Ron was the Chief Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) and Assistant Department Head for Administration, Anesthesia Department, Naval Medical Center Portsmouth, VA, where he founded and personally developed the Medical Center’s Complementary Care Clinic. This experience led to consulting positions with other medical centers such as Kaiser Permeate, Portland, Oregon, Obici Hospital, Suffolk, VA, Naval Hospital Camp Lejeune, NC, and Naval Hospital, Beaufort, SC.


Ron is the founder and President of the American Association of Moderate Sedation Nurses (AAMSN). He is a Nurse Continuing Education Provider, corporate trainer, and has presented on multiple topics in five European countries and Saudi Arabia. Ron lives in Clinton, TN.

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Roxanne Daleo, PhD

Author and Narrator

Roxanne Daleo is renowned clinician, leader, and pioneer in Health Psychology.  Dr. Daleo has an unwavering passion for helping children discover their inner resources and realize their own self-worth.

As a counselor in Pediatric Stress Management, Dr. Daleo specializes in anxious children and parent coaching. Her training from Harvard University and the Jung Institute combine evidence-based mind/body techniques with expressive arts and anchors her work in one of the most powerful methods for awakening natural healing within.

Her ground-breaking work provides parents, caregivers and children with alternative solutions to alleviate stress and anxieties. Her use of art, music, guided imagery, and meditation programs allow children to access their own internal source of strength, love and innate gifts. Dr. Daleo works one-on-one with parents and children in Harvard, MA. 

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Laura King, CHt, NLP, Life Coach

Author and Narrator

Laura is sought after by Olympians, cutting-edge CEO’s, public figures, various professional athletes, prominent physicians, award-winning trainers, and parents. She has appeared on the Rachel Ray Show, and has been a guest on local television and radio shows across the country. Through these appearances, and working with clients, Laura teaches individuals how to utilize their minds to make lasting beneficial changes. Laura has written and narrated over 200 audiobooks in the 25+ years she has worked with her clients. She maintains a private practice in Florida.

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Skye Winslow, ND, CMS-CHt, CI, PT, CNHP

Author/Narrator, Overnight Learning Founder

Skye is a naturopathic doctor, hypnotherapist and instructor, certified natural health provider, and certified personal trainer. After spending many years as an award winning journalist, Skye found her way into the healing arts after undergoing a10-hour surgery to remove a brain tumor.


In an effort to help others, Skye teams with leaders in the mind-body, integrative medicine fields to bring forward well-vetted, cost-effective tools that can help people achieve their personal health and wellness goals. In 2019, she founded the audiobook publishing company, Overnight Learning. Skye maintains a private practice in Carmel, IN.

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