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Tablets and Gels Too!

The Homeopathic Remedy Arnica is the #1 best selling homeopathic remedy in the world, and possibly the best known. It has convinced millions of people that homeopathy works.

Arnica is generally recommended when there has been some trauma to the body. Arnica is often advised, say, after someone has had a fall to reduce pain and swelling. And another occasion where it might be advised is after surgery.

Other common uses of arnica is treatment of wounds, bruises, sunburn, and other forms of skin irritation or inflammation, sprains and strains, muscle aches, leg and joint aches, rheumatic pain and inflammation from sports injuries.


Arnica, which is indicated for soreness, aching and swelling after an injury, is especially useful for treating muscle aches and pains and bruising. The site of the injury may be red, warm and extremely sensitive. The patient doesn’t want to be touched; and this refusal to allow oneself from being touched is a guiding symptom indicating the need for this remedy.

Shock and Acute Trauma:

Arnica is effective for the treatment of shock from trauma. Arnica can be used to treat head injuries such as stroke, concussion or a “goose egg” from a hard bump on the head. Arnica may offer relief for any type of shock, such as an automobile accident.

In cases of shock, the victim may not want to be touched, may refuse treatment and say he feels fine, or complain that his bed feels too hard and hurts his back. These are all guiding symptoms indicating the need for this remedy.


Arnica is indicated for internal bleeding that is related to shock. It may stop or slow the bleeding of a victim of an auto accident or stem the bleeding after having a tooth pulled. Arnica may be helpful after surgery to reduce swelling and protect against bleeding during recovery.

Topical Applications:

Most of the time arnica is either taken as an oral dose in homeopathic pellets or used topically. It is an ingredient either on its own or in combination with other remedies in first aid creams and ointments. These are meant to be applied either to sore, bruised muscles or injuries requiring arnica or other remedies for swelling and pain.

Arnica’s Materia Medica:

Mind: Fears touch, or the approach of anyone. Unconscious; when spoken to answers correctly, but relapses. Indifference; inability to perform continuous active work; morose, delirious. Nervous; cannot bear pain; whole body oversensitive. Says there is nothing the matter with him. Wants to be let alone. Agoraphobia (fear of space). After mental strain or shock.

Head: Hot, with cold body; confused; sensitiveness of brain, with sharp, pinching pains. Scalp feels contracted. Cold spot on forehead. Chronic vertigo; objects whirl about especially when walking.

Eyes: Diplopia from traumatism, muscular paralysis, retinal hæmorrhage. Bruised, sore feeling in eyes after close work. Must keep eyes open. Dizzy on closing them. Feel tired and weary after sight-seeing, moving pictures, etc.

Ears: Noises in ear caused by rush of blood to the head. Shooting in and around ears. Blood from ears. Dullness of hearing after concussion. Pain in cartilages of ears as if bruised.

Nose: Bleeding after every fit of coughing, dark fluid blood. Nose feels sore; cold.

Mouth: Fetid breath. Dry and thirsty. Bitter taste (Colocy). Taste as from bad eggs. Soreness of gums after teeth extraction (Sepia). Empyæma of maxillary sinus.

Face: Sunken; very red. Heat in lips. Herpes in face.

Stomach: Longing for vinegar. Distaste for milk and meat. Canine hunger. Vomiting of blood. Pain in stomach during eating. Repletion with loathing. Oppressive gases pass upward and downward. Pressure as from a stone. Feeling as if stomach were passing against spine. Fetid vomiting.

Abdomen: Stitches under false ribs. Distended; offensive flatus. Sharp thrusts through abdomen.

Stool: Straining of tenesmus in diarrhœa. Offensive, brown, bloody, putrid, involuntary. Looks like brown yeast. Must lie down after every stool. Diarrhœa of consumption; worse lying on left side. Dysenteric stools with muscular pains.

Urine: Retained from over-exertion. Dark brick-red sediment. Vesical tenesmus with very painful micturition.

Female: Bruised parts after labor. Violent after-pains. Uterine hæmorrhage from mechanical injury after coition. Sore nipples. Mastitis from injury. Feeling as if fœtus were lying crosswise.

Respiratory: Coughs depending on cardiac lesion, paroxysmal, at night, during sleep, worse exercise. Acute tonsillitis, swelling of soft palate and uvula. Pneumonia; approaching paralysis. Hoarseness from overuse of voice. Raw, sore feeling in morning. Cough produced by weeping and lamenting. Dry, from tickling low down in trachea. Bloody expectoration. Dyspnœa with hæmoptysis. All bones and cartilages of chest painful. Violent spasmodic cough, with facial herpes. Whooping cough, child cries before coughing. Pleurodynia (Ranunc; Cimicif)


Heart: Angina pectoris; pain especially severe in elbow of left arm. Stitches in heart. Pulse feeble and irregular. Cardiac dropsy with distressing dyspnœa. Extremities distended, feel bruised and sore. Fatty heart and hypertrophy.

Extremities: Gout. Great fear of being touched or approached. Pain in back and limbs, as if bruised or beaten. Sprained and dislocated feeling. Soreness after overexertion. Everything on which he lies seems too hard. Deathly coldness of forearm. Cannot walk erect, on account of bruised pain in pelvic region. Rheumatism begins low down and works up (Ledum).

Skin: Black and blue. Itching, burning, eruption of small pimples. Crops of small boils (Ichthyol; Silica). Ecchymosis. Bed sores (Bovinine locally). Acne indurata, characterized by symmetry in distribution.

Sleep: Sleepless and restless when over tired. Comatose drowsiness; awakens with hot head; dreams of death, mutilated bodies, anxious and terrible. Horrors in the night. Involuntary stools during sleep.

Fever: Febrile symptoms closely related to typhoid. Shivering over whole body. Heat and redness of head, with coolness of rest of body. Internal heat; feet and hands cold. Nightly sour sweats.

Modalities: Worse, least touch; motion; rest; wine; damp cold. Better, lying down, or with head low.


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