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Sexual Intimacy by Dr. Emmett Miller, MD
Sexual IntimacyDr. Emmett Miller, MD
00:00 / 00:33

The experience of making love can be just that - more than merely physical, it can be a richly rewarding emotional, mental, and even spiritual experience. This is more than just “sex” it is truly “making . . . love,” a deep and direct communication of caring and pleasure, in which both partners feel satisfied, fulfilled, and complete. This audiobook is designed to be experienced not just listened to.

Written and narrated by Dr. Emmett Miller, MD and his wife Sandra Miller, together they provide gentle, compassionate guidance for opening your heart and body to the beauty of loving. 


The first few times you experience this recording, listen to it alone. Then you may wish to listen to either or both sides with your partner. Feel free to keep your fantasies to yourself until you feel comfortable sharing them.

Imagery for Awakening your Sexual Self – This chapter helps you relax, to let go of the pressures and stresses of the outside world and tune into your capacity to be sensitive, receptive, responsive, open, loving and honest. Reach that level where you’re willing to allow your action and feeling to be a reflection of and an expression of deep inner truth. Listen once a day or every other day for a week or two or until there is a feeling of truly being able to allow yourself to follow its guidance and experience all those treasures within.

Imagery for Making Love – When time permits listen immediately after Track 1, and it will build on the relaxation. First, you will create a perfect fantasy place for making love. A place where your mind and body feel they would be most able to fully experience and express intimate sexuality. You now bring your partner into this space and are guided through a few and open sexual interaction.

You may wish to play this recording during your physical interaction with your lover as well as during your inner imagery experiences.

See Contraindications and Precautions here.

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