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Five steps to success when listening to this program:

1. Repetition – repetition trains the mind. I listened to this recording and other stress reducing and pain reducing recordings 4 to 8 hours a day.

2. Emotions – your thoughts control your emotions and the suggestions are much more powerful when the body is in a positive emotional state. Worry controls your emotions more than anything else. We only worry about the things we have no control over. Choose to think about those things that you can control.

3. Relaxation – when the body and the mind are relaxed they are more open to suggestions so keep your suggestions positive. Researchers shown that healing occurs during sleep and when the body is relaxed.

4. Concentration – concentrating on the positive and focusing on how you want to heal. Do not focus on the possible bad outcomes you've been told by your physicians, nurses and friends that you will have to endure.

5. Belief – faith in yourself and faith in the process of creating a comfortable healing.

We have five basic needs one of those is for survival. Use this program to support your survival.

Surviving Cancer - Chemotherapy Support
Surviving CancerRon Eslinger
00:00 / 03:17

This healing audiobook was written and narrated by Ron Eslinger, an advanced practice nurse and throat cancer survivor. It is based on 40+ years of academic research on the power of guided imagery, visualization, and hypnosis in healing and wellness. 


Each track offers the listener a means of understanding their mind/body/spirit connection. When Ron created this audiobook he had specific intent:

1. Prevent or lessen the ill effects of chemotherapy, which can include sores in the mouth, suppressed immune system, poor appetite, nausea, vomiting, and feelings of tiredness.

2. Use the same knowledge I used to help thousands overcome cancer pain, chronic pain, post-surgical pain and childbirth pain for myself. I knew without question that using self-hypnosis and listening to a guided imagery tape to block the pain associated with surgeries, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy was my first step in getting well.

3.Block the negative input from my caregivers. I was told all the possible bad outcomes from chemotherapy and radiation therapy. I am sure that you have been told the same. What doctors and nurses say to you are hypnotic suggestion and they are very powerful when coming from such a prestigious person as your physician. Norman Cousins, in his book, Anatomy of an Illness describes how he had to stop his doctors from continually telling that he was going to die.

Consider this; when you change your thoughts about your cancer to positive healing thoughts those thoughts will change the chemical responses from your brain which will decrease your chemotherapy side effects. With that positive thought your body's response to the chemotherapy and/or radiation will change.

I am a survivor from a stage three cancer and I survived comfortably. I don't know how this program will work for you. Everybody is different, but I do know the evidence and I do know that if you will follow these simple guidelines for listening to this program you too can be a comfortable survivor.

MD Anderson posted this study. Conclusion: A single meditation group class offered as part of clinical care resulted in relief of multiple self-reported symptoms in both patients and caregivers.

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