I’m prone to depression at times. This has really helped me to stay positive and mindful. --Amy
I’ve suffered from post shingles pain for 17 years. I found the recording so relaxing and began to notice a reduction in my pain. I am grateful to have found something that works. --Lisa
I have chronic pain due to a back injury, and the guided imagery never fails to help me take the pain down a few notches. The calming voice, music and guided imagery has helped me so much. ---Don
I was totally surprised that Ease Pain helped me sleep – I didn’t even realize it was pain keeping me awake! I would say hurry up and buy it and help yourself out of pain. --Marilee
I have used the recording for years to help me with Pancreatitis. It allows me to feel like I have a part in dealing with the pain both in and out of the hospital. I recommend it to others who are also dealing with chronic pain. It’s a godsend. -- Betsy
This is my first exposure to guided imagery and affirmation and I am impressed. I find if I let myself go and follow the suggestions and imagery whole heartedly, there really is a positive effect. –Barrett
This is a fantastic audio. In fact it was the reviews that persuaded me to buy it and I wasn't disappointed, it was everything they said and more. It is a very moving and touching meditation/exercise to do, it touches the heart of the matter and goes right to the core. Trauma is a wound, a deep hurt, it really is akin to having your heart broken, particularly true with familial trauma. Highly recommended! –Noreen
I have a couple of imagery recordings but this one is the best. It motivates me to use it and I no longer resist meditation. I like that it is tailored for PTSD. And the daily affirmations are added bonus. -- Denise
It allows me to cry in the most cleansing way... getting down to the root of repressed emotions I usually am not aware of. If I tried to tell a therapist what I feel, I honestly could not. Most physicians ignored my emotional traumas and incorrectly diagnosed me for 16 years. I finally found that these abusive and traumatic events caused my sickness. While listening to this I am in touch with my emotional self for maybe the first time. I didn't know how much I was hurt by events that happened to me in the past. I see different helpers and details each time I listen, which is exciting. I feel as though the images are happening to me on some deep spiritual level. Thank you so much for these guided imagery sessions. I will use more again for myself and recommend them. –Gail
I've listened to Belleruth's PTSD guided imagery and affirmation almost the entire duration of my 4 1/2 years of therapy to help me overcome the effects of childhood sexual abuse. My therapist recommended this audio to me and I cannot tell you how incredibly helpful it is. I found it an indispensable part of my therapy and a VERY wonderful and powerful tool. Considering the cost of therapy against the cost of this recording, it's ridiculously affordable. Thank you Belleruth for your voice and your healing words—it is one of the truest and steadfast friends I've ever met. Friends for life, in fact. -- Eugene
Thank you so much for this recording. The guided imagery was a companion to me through the awakening memories of long-suppressed trauma, and helped me to gradually and safely bring things that I had forgotten up to where they could be processed and dealt with. The affirmations continue to be a source of great strength for me ... in some of my lowest moments, I have heard your voice saying "I know that I am held in the hands of God and I am perfectly, utterly safe." At this, I cannot help but smile, even through my tears, as I know that it is true. Thank you for helping bring such healing to my world. –Lonna
A therapist shared this with me at Bethesda (National Medical Center) and it was one of the most powerful experiences of my life. --Dave
This recording has been life changing, enabling me to feel safe and protected while working through the effects of severe trauma. I recommend this highly to anyone healing from PTSD. I listen to it often and am amazed at the results. With a grateful heart, I am so thankful for this tool in my recovery. –Ami
I finally realized I was suffering from PTSD after 3 years of constant stress, beginning with severe anxiety & panic attacks due to a international long distance relationship, followed by another 2 years of constant life changes such as, job loses, breakups, moves, financial instability. As a HSP-HSS (highly sensitive person-high sensation seeker) navigating emotions has always been an inescapable challenge. This incredible recording is the perfect treatment and relaxation technique which keeps my attention but also allows me to relax. THANKS A MILLION! --Veronica
A friend gifted it to me when I spoke about mounting anxiety. I was unprepared for the reaction I had in the first listen. I wept hard. Each time images have come to me and I am committed to a full six weeks. To that end I am keeping a journal of the experiences by the day. Thank you for this beautiful gift. –Jeanie
I have suffered with PTSD for quite a while. I have tried medication and that only helps mask my suffering, it doesn’t help me heal from my trauma. Using the guided imagery and positive affirmations for PTSD, I feel so much more relaxed and refreshed after every session of listening. When I was first introduced to guided imagery, I was told it would take a couple of times of listening to really get the full effects. For me, it was only once and I took to it immediately. I am thankful for this recording and would recommend it to anyone who has problems with PTSD. –Dannielle
My partner brought this home to me and I finally felt understood. The journey into my own broken heart was an unprecedented experience, and helped me release years of pain and internal trauma. I listen to this recording often, and each time it's a new experience, awakening a different part of my experience(s), helping me through them. I have found more self-love and forgiveness than any counseling session could provide. Thank You! --Angie
I suffer from a number of things ... migraines, fibromyalgia, panic attacks, and rheumatoid arthritis. It is a lot to deal with. I have never experienced such a deep relaxation as what I experience from this recording. I have given one to my daughter and just purchased one for my sister for Christmas. --Sandi
This recording has helped me calm my anxiety better than therapy or medication have. Racing thoughts are exhausting and have made me feel like I'm going crazy and fear of having a panic attack causes me to avoid social situations. Listen to this recording helps me feel like I'm not alone and also has given me hope that I can change the way my brain reacts. --Sara
The breathing exercises on this recording helped me to recover from surgery for lung cancer. It was challenging to breathe deeply at first but the recording helped enormously. Now I listen to it to help me relax and fall asleep when I'm anxious. One problem for me is that the instructions aren't quite in sync with the timing for breathing, but I continue to listen to it frequently. --Ruth
I purchased this for myself after a bad car accident. Even the thought of getting in a car caused me to panic and the thought of driving anywhere was a real problem. I listened every day, sometimes more than once a day to calm myself. I gradually got to where I could drive locally but found reasons for my husband to drive me to doctor's appointments or anywhere more than a few miles from home. After 6 months I was able to drive myself to the doctor which was a good 20 miles from home but I was still scared. Now, almost a year later I have taken the biggest step of all for myself, I went with my brother to Georgia to see my sister. I had to use over the counter meds to calm myself but I did go which I wouldn't have 6 months ago.. I am still a work in progress but this really has helped me to get past a lot of the fear. --Carolyn
I have emetophobia (fear of vomiting) and have panic attacks as a result. At times I have had difficulty eating enough due to my fear. Not only is it helping with my phobia-relate panic attacks, but I am sleeping better and overall feeling more relaxed. –Morgan
I listen to this recording often and it has been one of the most helpful tools I've found to deal with anxiety related to a marital separation I'm going through, with attendant financial difficulties. Thank you so much for this resource. --Patricia
I have had agoraphobia before and have experienced panic and anxiety during my 71 years. I wish this guided imagery and affirmation recording had been available years ago. But it is here today and I use it a lot. I've also gotten the weight loss recording and now I am 30 lbs lighter. I have the sleep recording and it has been a blessing for me. I never hear the end of it because I am sleeping so peacefully. I am a spiritual counselor and tell my clients all about these and advise them to come to this web site and check it out. –Jean
I had a ten-year habit I wanted to break, but no confidence I could do it in my regular routine. So I decided to quit on vacation. I smoked my last cigarette at the airport, listened to these meditations on the plane - and that was it. It was almost as if I'd never smoked. I barely thought about smoking at all, although I listened to one or two of the meditations every day just in case. Back at home I listen to them every once in a while to keep my non-smoking energy up. I can't say for sure that these meditations worked the miracle, but they certainly helped! Thank you! –Robin
I truly believe this recording made the difference for me. I have finally quit after years of addiction. I stopped and started, but this seemed to build my resolve in a gentle, respectful and non judgmental way week after week, until finally I was less attracted to smoking and more attracted to health. How wonderful to be free at last from smoking! --Melissa
I went into this attempt to quit smoking with all available resources, determined that this time I would succeed. I was very thankful for the ability to quickly download the recording to assist me when I felt I was weakening. I am determined to quit and this is helping me greatly. --Gena
I started listening to the guided imagery 30 days before my hysterectomy. At first I couldn't get through it without crying, I was so scared of the surgery, but day after day that got better as I listened and imagined my surgery. On the surgery day, I listened to the audio track whenever I could, and I went into the operating room with a level of calm I'd never have expected. After surgery I used the affirmations for about two months until I felt healed, and now I daily use the menopause meditation to deal with my new symptoms. --Heather
I was diagnosed with cancer and hadn't slept in 2 days. Friend loaned me this recording and each time I listened to it, my stress and sore chest began to lessen. In prep to surgery, I listened to it several times a day and I was relaxed for surgery. 3 years now and when my mind won't let me sleep, I play this using earbuds and turn it down low and I never get through all of it before falling asleep. – Jon
I’m a 54 year old woman. I had my tonsils removed when I was 5 and had oral surgery when I was 13. I don’t really remember either. Five weeks ago I had full open heart surgery to repair my mitral valve. My massage therapist suggested I listen to your Surgery guided imagery recordings. I truly believe doing so helped tremendously though I have no comparison since it’s been over 40 years since I had any type of surgery. I was calm, not really nervous even the morning of surgery, and my recovery has been easy and uneventful. Pain has been very manageable and in fact, I haven’t needed Rx pain support since day 4 post op in the hospital. I’ve only needed extra strength Tylenol and that is sporadic nowadays (when I push myself too much). I cannot thank you enough for the emotional/mental support the recordings gave me. On a side note, I am not one who naps or falls asleep easily. The instructional portion of the recording states that some people fall asleep when listening. I chuckled and thought “yea, not me”. Well, the first time I listened, I fell asleep. And nearly every time thereafter. Truly amazing information that I have recommended to others already. –Julie G.
I used the recording for about a month to prepare for a surgery. The combination of guided imagery and affirmations really helped to ease my fear about surgery. It helped me feel safe, relaxed, strong and brave for the surgery and the recovery that followed. My outcome was improved due to using the recording to prepare. Highly recommend. --AJ
I purchased this before a mastectomy for breast cancer. The recording helped reduce my anxiety, but the most amazing thing is that I had very little blood loss, and therefore my surgery was about 20% shorter than anticipated. I had much less pain than anticipated afterward and my recovery was very smooth. Although this seemed like a terrifying surgery beforehand, I have had very little emotional distress and I have found coping to be much easier than I ever expected. I went on to purchase four additional recordings. -- Idell
I listened to the audio a couple of times a day before my surgery and it truly helped me get through a very anxious time. Many thanks for this and to my friend who suggested it.
When I learned that I needed surgery for a badly fractured arm, I listened religiously to the guided imagery for surgery for 10 days. When I was finally rolled into the operating room, I was amazed that it was exactly as I had imagined it -- the air of focused professionalism was palpable and I immediately felt comfortable and relaxed. I have no doubt my lack of anxiety was due to the guided imagery I listened to. Following surgery, I used both the Sleep and Pain recordings and again both proved very helpful when needed. In the middle of the night, when sleeplessness or pain kept me awake, Belleruth’s soothing voice, well-crafted imagery and the soft gentle accompanying music helped me relax and slip into much-needed sleep. I highly recommend them for anyone facing surgery. --Anne
I am just now 48 hours out of surgery and have had this guided imagery to use for two days before, the day of and now these two days following surgery. I am not sure what words can effectively convey how much I wish everyone having surgery could discover this same gift. Maybe because I'm a musician and a singer and a former mental health therapist, these guided imageries can be tricky to fall comfortably into, trusting them to weave their healing. The imagery, musical selection, and most remarkably Belleruth's vocal qualities have given me an absolutely perfect gift to aid in my surgery preparation and now recovery. My sleep is deep and comfortable, my pain is minimal and easily managed with arnica cream and Tylenol, and even though I've not seen any of my surgical team since the procedure, in phone checks with my doctor she tells me it sounds like my healing is on target and I'm doing very well from her medical perspective. I know that I am at peace and content to keep taking the steps ahead with a calmness I believe is fully supported by listening to these guided imageries. –Elle
I have never had surgery before and at 52 I was facing a hysterectomy. I did the guided imagery twice a day for a week out from surgery. I was completely at peace, calm leading up to surgery. Here's the miracle however, my surgeon was able to do this by Laparscopic, a much less-invasive, quicker healing type of surgery. This was talked about in advance but 'highly unlikely' option in my case, and there would be a large incision and 8 week recovery instead. I know this guided imagery and affirmations was the perfect 'mind-body' experience I needed in advance of something so scary and to have the outcome go this well! I so recommend this surgery series! --Mary
This was my fifth surgery and I had tried guided imagery with a psychologist one previous time with decent results. I used these four meditations every night (one per night) until my surgery. I can only say that my surgery, my recovery and my outcome have been nothing short of miraculous. On the day of surgery, I was calm and at peace. I was not nervous or anxious like I had been for all of my previous surgeries. The surgery, while complicated, was executed without a hitch. I had no complications, side effects or excessive bleeding after surgery. And my pain levels were minimal. I only took Tylenol temporarily to relieve minor aches. My recovery is ahead of schedule and I feel terrific. I am a devotee for life. Thank you. –Tom
I found this recording a week before my breast reduction operation. It helped massively with my anxiety before the operation, and I'm sure it's helped me physically as well - I did indeed have the 'minimal discomfort' the meditation suggests. Between 2 and 0 on the 1-10 scale. The nurses were constantly surprised by my lack of pain, and when I told one of them about this audio, she said 'I knew there was something'. When I asked the surgeon how the op had gone, he said 'swimmingly'! I'm listening to the post-surgery audio twice a day, currently a week after surgery. Sometimes feels like a chore but is always delightful once I actually start listening. Highly recommended. --Leonie
This guided imagery was recommended on Dr. Andrew Weil's site, and I am so grateful that I was able to download and use it prior to my cervical fusion. Facing this surgery, I was filled with fear and anxiety. The guided imagery enabled me to be completely relaxed right up to entering the operating room. In addition, I learned from my surgeon that I did not bleed much when the incision was made - thus, avoiding much cauterizing and numbness afterwards. –Judith
The first time I listened to the Guided Imagery I felt heart-pounding panic when it led me into the O.R.; however, after repeated listening over a two week pre-op period, on the morning of the surgery I felt calm, confident, and relaxed, absolutely believing that all would go well - and it did! I was so relaxed and confident that I was able to forgo the pre-op Valium. I was allowed to listen to the meditation music during the procedure, was fully aware of all going on in the O.R., yet able to remain calm and restful, with stable vital signs. Recovery has been a breeze with very little bleeding or discomfort with only ibuprofen and arnica for "pain" which there has been so little of. I feel so grateful for this meditation set - thank you. --Charlotte
This meditation helped enormously when I was facing surgery. I had never had major surgery before, and intended to "die with all my parts," but it had to be done. On my first listen, I felt first a rush of stress (as in "OMG, I really am going to be wheeled into the OR!") but that was exactly what I needed to help me work through my anxiety. Each additional time, I felt more in control and at peace, as well as more relaxed about the skill and compassion of the healthcare providers who would be there with me. I highly recommend this to anyone facing surgery. –Pam
It helped immensely. I went into surgery with no fear and with full expectations of a positive outcome, which I got. –Lucy
I listened to these for two weeks prior to major surgery, during the surgery, and am still listening two weeks post-op The guided visualization and affirmations helped me to approach the surgery calmly and confidently, and to relax with the process before and after, especially with staying present with what is happening, rather than letting my thoughts run away with worries, anxieties and disaster scenarios, as I am wont to do. Post-op would have been much more stressful without these recordings, and although I cannot compare this to what the process would have been like without these, I'm convinced that my outcomes were greatly improved because of them. My experience of the entire process certainly was. Thank you so much, and I recommend them to all. If certain ideas are a bit hokey to you, just skip over them. –C. Keen
I listened to both the guided imagery and the affirmations sections repeatedly before 3 surgeries with excellent results. I started one month in advance listening once per day and the week before I listened twice a day. My anxiety level was way down, my recovery time less than expected and all three surgeries were successful. I repeated this to myself throughout the day, "There will be no complications, minimal bleeding and little discomfort." This was the case in all three surgeries! I highly recommend this to anyone preparing for surgery. It works. –Jane
I purchased the recording about 3 weeks prior to a hysterectomy and listened it to it twice a day, morning and nite. The first few times I fell asleep because it was just so relaxing. I brought it with me to the hospital and listened prior to going in and also that first nite it the hospital. It helped soothe me tremendously and also helped me tune out the sounds of those patients around me. The next morning I was up doing laps around the hallways and the nurses were calling me an overachiever. I am one week post op and my recovery continues to progress ahead of schedule. I listen to the positive affirmations every nite and the music continues to help me relax. I am so happy I bought it… it was worth every penny!! –Mary
This audiobook is amazing. I highly recommend it to anyone going through a surgery. It helped to keep me calm before and after my procedure. Do not miss it. –A. Sosa
I used this a few times before my breast reduction (I was terrified!). The surgery was supposed to be 3 hours, but ended up being only 2 & the doctor was very pleased with his work! Thank you! --Dana
I purchased this for my husband to use when he had two total knee replacement surgeries six months apart in 2009. He liked it so much that he got the surgeon's permission to listen to it during surgery. We have since loaned it out to other friends who have had surgery. –B.Henry
Two weeks ago today, I had multiple abdominal hernias repaired. My doctors projected I would be in surgery for 4 hours and in the hospital 3 to 4 days. I got this recording and listened to it every night before I went to bed for a few weeks. It helped reduce my anxiety prior to surgery, my surgery took less than 3 hours and I was discharged after 2 days. I was off narcotics within 36 hours. One of my surgeons said this surgery was "a lot easier" than he expected. Guided imagery and affirmations are so powerful! I am grateful I used this tool and would highly recommend it!:) --Stephanie
I had almost 5 weeks between diagnosis and open heart surgery for an aortic Valve replacement. I'd had a good friend die of exactly the same surgery, at my exact age 8 years ago. Needless to say, even tho my doctors told me I'd do fine, I couldn't get my anxious thinking under control. I had used this recording 2 years earlier for a knee replacement, and it worked great. This time, I went to sleep every evening with Belleruth speaking softly in my ear, from the imagery to the affirmations, I would just let it run until at some point I would wake up and shut it off. It kept me from totally freaking out those weeks before surgery, when I needed to temporarily (I hoped) close up a busy mental health counseling private practice. To say I highly recommend this recording would be understating my endorsement. –Diane
It is the day after my surgery and I have little-to-no pain, and haven't taken any meds yet (2pm in the afternoon!). It was very calming. I listened to it the night before surgery and the while I was up and about all morning prior to surgery. I have already suggested this to friends on a wellness forum I am part of, and will also recommend to clients....very helpful indeed. –Tina
I had my double jaw surgery 4 weeks ago, and feel like I never had it done. After one week I was back at the gym, and by 2 weeks the swelling was all gone. The surgeon said I "behaved very well during the procedure' i.e low blood loss and blood pressure, and even the nurses said afterwards how well I was doing. From comparisons to other jaw surgery patients, I feel like superwoman, and this meditation I believe is one of the differences. I listened to both parts before the surgery 4-5 times (including the morning of), and listened to the affirmations in the first couple of nights after the procedure, as I found sleep difficult, and it was quite comforting. I HIGHLY recommend this. At every step of the recovery, I have been told by everyone involved in my care how exceptionally well I am doing. It shows that the power of the mind is very influential, and this steers your mind in such a positive direction. –Christina
Because my CD player broke down at the very last minute, I was only able to hear the pre-op meditation one time. I replayed it in my head the night before surgery, and then (because I had no CD player) the attending anesthesiologist played the surgery meditation music for the entire OR! (They ""loved"" it.) But what was truly astounding was when one of the doctors came to my room to report EXACTLY the words that are in the pre-op meditation: my surgery was ""spectacular"" (the OR team's words), I lost the smallest amount of blood they'd ever seen (10 ml), and it took 2.5 hrs instead of the usual 3 hrs. On top of that, I was off heavy pain meds within 36 hours, and off of Tylenol in another 36 hrs. In 72 hrs I was up and dancing (gently) with my granddaughter! Every doc who visited me took down the name of this recording! –Arienne
My friend gave me this recording when I discovered I needed open-heart surgery. Open-heart surgery! I'd never been admitted to a hospital nor had I had any medically invasive procedures in my fifty-three years of life. I was so anxious I had shortness of breath. I know it was anxiety, because I was asymptomatic from my aneurysm. But I started listening to the Successful Surgery recording 3 weeks before my operation, and I listened to it during the surgery, and it was amazing. I was so relaxed that I was joking with the anesthesiologists. I experienced minimal pain, zero complications, and 9 weeks later, my recovery is going amazingly well. This is the first review I have done in my life, but this recording is a-must-have! –Zulema
Last summer, I used Successful Surgery for 4 weeks prior to having 5 teeth including a wisdom tooth pulled. I was quite anxious before using the recording and had postponed the surgery for some time since I'm also on Warfarin. Within several days I was much calmer and by the day of surgery felt fully ready. It could not have gone more smoothly. Just as we envisioned together: very little discomfort, minimal bleeding and a very fast recovery. Now, I'm using your recording for IBD with great results as well. You are indeed a blessing. My thanks. –Joyce
This recording is excellent in so many ways!! It felt like a big warm hug from my mom! –LeeAnne
Both the guided imagery and the sleep music work marvelously for difficult nights. I don't know what's in that sleep music--magic, maybe?--but it somehow lulls me right to sleep in spite of pain and neurological overload. The calmness carries through to the next day, too! –Dee
First I'd like to say, it was my personal physician who prescribed this for me! Nightly, when I go to bed I put the phone next to my pillows, and settle in to the soothing voice of Belleruth. Sometimes I'll awaken in the middle of my sleep, and listen once more to the recording. I'll admit that sometimes I just can't sleep or get back to sleep but since I've been listening to this tape sleeplessness has become less of an occurrence. Thank you, thank you! –Reid
I've tried all sorts of calming techniques to sooth stress and anxiety and this is the only thing that seemed to work so quickly and thoroughly. Thanks so much for all of your help. –Shannon
Has made a significant difference in my quality of life. –Gil B.
This helps me get to sleep quicker, I use it almost every night-thanks for this. –Michael
I am a chronic insomniac. Use this audio a lot to calm down and it gives me a sense of peace that works most of the time. – Deborah R.
"Helped me tremendously when I had surgery & chemotherapy treatments for cancer. I am so grateful to the nurse who suggested it. I still use it sometimes.Don't know why it works but it works great for me. Thank you!" – Allison M.
This recording puts me to sleep fairly quickly and I stay in a deep restful sleep. –Lucy
A friend gave me this recording to help through a very stressful phase -probably close to a break down. I was taking anxiety meds and multiple supplements. Although I was not diagnosed as such, I believe my adrenals were shot and I was on the verge of a breakdown. The first night I listened to this recording I dozed off and on through the night-replaying it over and over. After a week I was sleeping through the night. Her voice, the music and imagery work beautifully. I use it still on occasion when menopause insomnia flares up. – Anne L.
As a nurse, I have a stressful job & yet also need to provide a sense of serenity to my clients. This helps me to relax & unwind after a hard day. The guided imagery is so perfect for me. I highly recommend this title. This can give more peace & tranquility than any tranquilizer or sleeping pill & is only filled with good for you affirmations to surround & relax you into a restful sleep. –Nurse Nancy
Delightfully nourishing and calming voice. Tasteful music in the background. Holds my interest... that is, until I am sound asleep." – Gwendolyn, MD
This recording worked for me! It settled me down so that I could sleep. And have interesting, restorative dreams. It worked better than tranquilizers! My hope is that it will help many others. – Ruth A.S.
I was skeptical at first, but it truly helped me sleep. In fact, this got me through the Bar Exam! This has been FANTASTIC. –A.K.
Never, in my adult life, had I experienced an actual restorative, quality night's sleep. My doctor's tried high-dose meds, I tried chiro, deep breathing/meditation, weird pillows, herbal tea, exercise, boredom reading, and numerous other ineffective suggestions. Then, a very knowledgeable Complimentary Therapist for Hospice recommended that I just try this. You have changed my life! I sleep a minimum of 6 rejuvenating hours on average of 5-6 nights a week and I no longer require a nap or two during the day; however, I can take a power nap of 30-45 minutes if I choose and feel refreshed. I've scaled back on the Ambien and am beginning to function almost like normal people during the daylight hours. People are no longer calling me the vampire. Thank you! –Kasi M.
I had problems getting to sleep and if I did I would wake up 3 or 4 hours later. The very first night listening had good nights sleep. Now as soon as I get into bed, it isn't long and I'm ready to fall to asleep. During the day I have plenty of energy and when I wake up I get moving much faster. I listen to it every night. –Cathy