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Feel Sexy & Attractive
Feel Sexy and AttractiveLaura King
00:00 / 00:41

Wouldn’t it be great to feel good about yourself all the time? To feel sexy and attractive and love the skin you're in?

We are constantly bombarded with images of what is considered sexy at every turn – commercials, magazines, billboards, everywhere you look are gorgeous sexy models. Consciously you know they are models – that tiny percentage of people who are paid to look amazing all the time, but your subconscious mind makes comparisons of you and them, and your self-esteem takes a dive.

This audiobook, written and narrated by Laura King, will help free you from this false need to look like a model. Your mind will learn specific phrases and statements to erase old worn out negative feelings and replace them with feelings of happiness and self satisfaction. Soon, you'll begin to feel good about being in your body and loving every part of it.

For optimal effect, listen nightly for a minimum of 21 days.

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